Kathleen Brownの教育方法・教育実践に関する発表、講演等
年月日 概要
H13/1 A Look at the Educational History of Women in Japan, WELL Conference, National Women's Center, Japan
H13/7 Broadening Horizons: Exploring Gender Issues in the Classroom. JALT Fukuoka Chapter Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan.
H13/11 Extensive Reading and the Low-Motivation Learner. The Third Pan-Asian Conference (PAC3), KitaKyushu, Japan.
H13/11 Who Needs Needs Analysis? New Approaches for Japan. The Third Pan-Asian Conference (PAC3), KitaKyushu, Japan.
H13/12 Placement Tests and Placement Issues. JALT Fukuoka Chapter Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan.
H14/4 Who Needs Needs Analysis? JALT Fukuoka Chapter Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan.
H14/10 Needs Analysis in the Japanese University Context. JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter Conference, Daizaifu, Japan.
H14/11 Extensive Reading in Practice. JALT 2002 International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Shizuoka, Japan.
H15/3 Who Needs Needs Analysis? Resetting the Parameters for EFL Programs. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Conference, Arlington, VA, USA
H15/9 In Search of the Curriculum: A New Paradigm for Needs Analysis. JACET 42nd Annual National Conference, Sendai, Japan.
H15/10 At the Control Panel: Piloting and Revising In-House Placement Tests. Kyoto JALT Pan-Sig Conference, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan.
H15/11 Re-thinking Curriculum: The Role of Needs Analysis. JALT 2003 International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Shizuoka, Japan.
H15/11 Extensive Reading for Low-Level Learners. JALT 2003 International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Shizuoka, Japan.
H17/10 Needs Assessment Methodology: Collecting Stories. JALT 2004 International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Shizuoka, Japan.
H19/7 Corpus-based Cross-sectional Analysis of Academic Papers in Medicine: Investigating Collocation Patterns of Sub-technical Terms, Corpus Linguistics International Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England. (共同研究:科研課題番号:17320087)
H19/7 The Discourse of Academic Writing in Medicine and Nursing: Cross-Sectional Analysis Bassed on a Corpus of EMP, 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Goteborg University, Goteburg, Sweden. (共同研究:科研課題番号:17320087)
H23/10 Changing the Curriculum Paradigms: Implementing a New NA Model for University Language Programs. The 9th Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea.
H24/1 Out of Many, One: A Multiple Source-by-Method Needs Assessment for Use in a Japanese University Language Program. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
H24/6 Making Every Word Count: The Use of Word Frequencies in a Language Program Development and Evaluation Model. 1st World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics. Seoul, Korea.
H24/10 The Design and Implementation of an Iterative Needs Assessment/Evaluation Model for Use in a Japanese University Language Program. American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA
2020.10.31 Forging Educational Careers in Japan: Four Narratives from Tertiary Education, JALT Fukuoka Chapter Meeting (オンライン発表)
2020.11.21 Leadership Skills for Women Educators: Your Voice 全国語学教育学会(JALT)・第46回年次国際大会教材展示会 (オンライン発表)
2021.1.31 Amplifying Educator, Researcher, and Parent Voices: Connections Through Publishing, JALT Sendai Chapter Meeting (オンライン発表)
2021.7.10 Establishing Your Place in the Room: Executive Presence for Female Educators. Womentorship in ELT Symposium (オンライン発表)
2021.9.21 Promoting Reflective Dialogue to Enhance Professional Well-being, JALT College Educators (CUE) SIG Conference (オンライン発表)
2021.11.14 Climbing the University Teaching Ladder: Entry-Level to Tenured Positions 全国語学教育学会(JALT)・第47回年次国際大会教材展示会
2022.11.12 Bringing Diversity Into Your Research and Publications, JALT International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan
H22/2 Surviving as Foreign Womyn in a Japanese Man's World, WELL Conference, National Women's Center, Japan
H27/2 Resonant Voices: Establishing Leadership in the Boys' Room (Invited Speaker) WELL Conference, National Women's Center, Japan
2023.11.27 "Re-envisioning Women Academic Leaders: Executive Presence", JALT 2023 International Conference, Tsukuba, Japan


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