氏名 溝口 恵美子 1964 生
フリガナ ミゾグチ エミコ
ローマ字 Mizoguchi Emiko
本務所属(職名) 医学部医学科免疫学講座(教授)
取得学位 医学博士
URL http://www.med.kurume-u.ac.jp/med/immun/emizo.html https://www.kurume-u.ac.jp/faculty/medicine/sm/edui/
専門分野 消化器の医学、血液の医学、腫よう学、免疫性疾患,アレルギー性疾患
研究テーマ Epithelial Biology (Host-microbial Interactions)
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD)
Colitis-associated Cancer (CAC)
Chitin and Chitinase Biology
TNF and TNF receptors Biological Functions
(実績) 客員教授: Brown University Alpert Medical School, Dept. of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (Providence, RI, USA)
共同研究: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Immunology Institute (New York, NY, USA)
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Medicine and Pathology (Boston, MA, USA)
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Medicine
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Medicine
Florida Atlantic University, Dept. of Biology (Boca Raton, FL, USA)
University of Chicago, Dept. of Medicine, Pathology and Pediatrics (Chicago, IL, USA)
University of Meryland, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine (College Park, MD, USA)
滋賀医科大学、消化器内科学講座; 京都大学医学部、消化器内科学講座
(希望) Extensive international collaborations for advancing the therapeutic and diagnostic strategy in the field of mammalian chitinases
所属学会 American Association of Immunologists (AAI)(1998~2020)
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)(1998~2016)
Society for Mucosal Immunology (SMI)(2003~)
Japanese Society for Immunology (JSI), 日本免疫学会(2011~)
PLoS ONE, Academic Editor (Cambridge, UK)(2011~)
Gatroenterology and Hepatology, Editoral Board (Montreal, Canada)(2011~)
Japanese Society for Mucosal Immunology (JSMI), 日本消化器免疫学会(2016~)
Japanese Society for Gastroenterology (JSGE), 日本消化器病学会(2017~)
Japan Society for Medical English Education (JASMEE), 日本医学英語教育学会 (2023年より評議員)(2018~)
学会賞等 2003:Mentored Clinical Scientist Developmental Award (NIH NIDDK, USA)
2005:Travel Award for the International Clinical IBD Meeting (Munster, Germany)
2006:Junior Faculty Award by the American Association of Immunologists (USA)
2008:Bridging Award by the American Gastroenterological Association (USA)
2009:Administrative Supplementary Award (NIH, NIDDK, USA)
2012:Faculty Travel Grant by the American Association of Immunologists (USA)
2023:Long Service Award by the PLOS ONE Editorial Board
2024:国際ソロプチミスト久留米アウラ 「女性研究者賞」
2024:第1回横山三男免疫学研究振興基金研究助成 "Michel" Citation Immunology Award
継続は力なり、Never give up!
教育・研究業績一覧 ■著書・ 論文・学会発表等
最終更新日 2024/04/25


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